Welcome to the 2A4 / 2012 Website on Algebra.
This website serves to collate research on Algebra in addition to what was taught in class and of course get ACE points from Mrs Ooi (just kidding). Algebra here is explained in the words of Sec 2 students which will make it easy for other students to understand. Please enjoy and have fun learning =)
Done By:
Lim Zhe Hui (The boss and zai-kia)
Ethan Tan (Phonehome)
Yuan Khai Yeep (Skyeep)
Yip Seng Yeun (Yipsy!)
From 2A4 / Hwa Chong Institution / 2012
PS: You can email us at [email protected] if we have made any errors or if you have any queries. We hope that all queries can be satisfied and this website remains as error-free as possible. Like us on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/pages/2a42012-Math-BlogHCI/312712385488246?ref=hl
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